Volume 01

Ramiro José Espinheira Martins



  • TP1 SOLIDS: Determine TDS, TSS, VSS, pH, Electric Conductivity, Turbidity and Settleable Solids of water sample.
  • TP2 COLOR: Determine the color (apparent and true) in samples: superficial water (river water) and a domestic wastewater.
  • TP3 NITROGEN (NITRATE): Determination of nitrate in two samples: superficial water (river water) and a domestic wastewater (Ultraviolet Spectrophotometric Screening Method).
  • TP4 NITROGEN (NITRITE): Determination of nitrite in three samples: superficial water (river water), domestic wastewater and tap water from laboratory (Colorimetric Method).
  • TP5 NITROGEN (AMMONIA): Determination of ammonia in samples: superficial water (river water) and tap water from laboratory by DIRECT NESSLERIZATION METHOD.
  • EW6 HARDNESS: Determination of hardness (total and permanent) in samples of superficial water (river water) and tap water from laboratory, using dye indicators (EDTA Titrimetric Method).

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ANO: 2023